Thursday, August 09, 2012

“Understands”: The Obama Ad So Vile, So Lie-Filled, That Even Obama’s MSM Sycophants Debunked It

By Nicholas Stix



The New York Times leaves no doubt that Joe Soptic lied, but tap dances around the “l”-word.
SCORECARD The super PAC ad compresses time in a way that links the closing of the GST plant with Mrs. Soptic’s fatal illness. RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.

Scorecard with no score? How does that work?

Soptic’s conclusion that Romney bears some blame in his wife’s death is not backed up factually in the ad. She died in 2006, five years after the plant closed, a fact the ad doesn’t disclose. Determining Romney’s role in the plant’s closing is difficult but also not addressed in the ad.

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